Commodity Exchange Inc (COMEX) / New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)
COMEX & NYMEX are owned by CME group of Chicago, U.S.A. The New York Mercantile Exchange handles Billions of Dollars worth trading in Commodities, Energies, Metals. The NYMEX is regulated by CFTC (Commodity Future Trading Commission), and independent agency of United States of America Government.
WinTrader buy sell signal software and trading system support major commodities / metals in NYMEX/COMEX.
WinTrader provides FREE LIVE DEMO to the needy traders, and see the performance live in real market.
Some of the commodities/metals/energies that supported by WinTrader BUY SELL SIGNAL SOFTWARE in NYMEX / COMEX are,
- Brent Crude Oil
- Copper
- Gold
- Silver
- Lumber
- Natural Gas
- Palladium
- Soyabeans
- Coffee, etc..
You can see further details about COMEX and NYMEX from CME group’s official web site. CLICK HERE to visit CME Group’s office site.