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WinTrader Buy Sell Signal Software Category: Easy Buy Sell signal Software

The best and highly accurate buy sell signal software for MCX, NSE, FOREX, MCX SX, NCDEX, COMEX markets. Take our FREE LIVE DEMO to see the performance.

CLICK HERE to visit our HOME PAGE for more details about WinTrader BUY SELL signal software for Commodity/Stock/Currency markets.

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become a successful trader in NSE Stocks, Futures, Options, FOREX, MCX

10 Golden Rules to become a successful day-trader in NSE (Stocks, Futures, Options), MCX, FOREX

  Take two traders. Give them the same starting capital, the same trading platform, the same market, and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exit. Come back a month later and what will you find? One trader will be up 20%. The other will be down 40%. It's fascinating, isn't it, how two people can have the same opportunities in life, and yet get very different results. We at firmly believe that the answer to success lies within each of us; and that we are each completely responsible for our own results in the market. The following top 10 lists were compiled from the many discussions that take place at our regular traders’ feedback in NSE, MCX and FOREX. We try to be useful the below details to you, some of it you'll already know... some of it will be new. UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH Trading is a game of probabilities. Imagine we're flipping a coin. Heads I win 100 rupees - tails you win 100 rupees. Simple. Heads and tails will each come up half the time, and we'll both neither win nor lose. However, unknown to me, you have a loaded coin. For every 100 throws, heads come up 49 times, and tails come up 51 times. Win Trader trading system or the strategies gives you an "edge". A favourable high probability bias. Essentially, the trading system is saying "when 'X happens... 'y' usually follows" (You can check with our live free demo for the strategies, CLICK HERE to register for a free live demo). Sometimes it doesn't. Most of the time it does. And Win Trader trading system will help you identify high probability trades, enter them correctly, and protect yourself while allowing your profits to grow. There are many trading systems out there in…
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Best Stock Market Charting Software in India

Best Performing Stock / Commodity Market Charting Software in India Win Trader, now completed 11 years of successful journey and we are proud that we could make many traders (MCX, NSE, FOREX) successful in day trading. Before launching the first version of Win Trader, we were traders for more than 10 years, at the starting of our trading, as usual like every other traders faced, we failed, we lost the capital, we panicked. But some how we managed the losses and plan to study each and every aspect of day trading and technical analysis. We do lot of home work, and trial test with our own investment some one failed, some one succeeded, but with no consistency in profit, in log term its not beneficial for trading, after the so may fails and tries finally we got a golden combination and formula that makes consistent profit in day trading in both MCX and NSE markets. We traded with our golden formula and we were confident in that. So we planned to make is easy to use in everyday trading, one of our trader has knowledge in computer programming, so he tried to automate the signal in visually presentable with ease to understand the signal. At last the handwork paid off, we ended up our trading formula to a easy to understand for everyone and visually appealing with the support of chart system on Meta Trader 4 platform. We won our trading with the support of our trading system and we were 100% confident in our system that helps even a new comer in trading can make profit from trading with some effort. We built our new trading system more user friendly and released to public on 2009, it was a test for us, but the response and feedbacks from our clients was…
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Maximize your stock trading through these easy tools

How you can make your Stock trading Easier and Profitable?

Stock trading is a very wonderful and interesting game. Winning secrets behind stock trading are perspective, discipline, and self-control of emotions. There are thousands of stocks available in the market. The news about all these stocks available through TV, Radio, and other media. All these news force investors to take emotional decisions. Chasing the stock is not good because sometimes you fail to buy at the correct point. TV news always displays the details of major stocks. Some news attracts you and you take certain decision to buy it. But what happened at that level is? The entry may be a late entry. Those who continuously sit in front of the PC or Tape do this kind of common mistakes. So channel monitoring leads you to a dangerous decision taking situation. Before buying a rising stock, always refer a weekly chart to identify if that stock is building a base or if it is extended too far. Market action productivity usage is not bad always. Review a comprehensive chart book every week and making a list of good stocks that meet your fundamental and technical selection criteria help you a lot for the better usage of market action. Do one more thing daily check the volume of your selected stock and note it down. Take average daily volume so that you can easily identify any noteworthy increase in volume. For the next couple of weeks keep this stock list with you. As time goes, one or two of stocks from your list will approach your buy point. Market watchers slow down during New York lunchtime. Also shows a strong color in the last hour of the day. Role of tips in trading Never buy stock on tips, rumors, or inside information. This sound wired to you because most of the people look…
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Mistakes in Stock Trading

The Most Common mistakes made by Investors in Stock Trading

  Looking into any field you can see two types of people. One is successful people and the other is unsuccessful. Actually, what is the difference between the two? Successful people are willing to do all the things what others are unwilling to do. But in any field anyone can made mistakes. Even in your day to day life you made many mistakes. So no matter, whether you are a small investor, inexperienced beginners or smart professionals. There is chance to made mistakes. And they lose money. You just have to do is “Build up your weaknesses until they become your strong points”. “Concentrate on your strengths, not your weaknesses” This is the logic. Successful traders are risk takers not large risk but less risk. 98% of all investors make mistakes because they don’t spend enough time in live market to learn where they made mistakes in trading stocks. You remain in a belief that you know everything. Stop thinking in this way, and try to learn something new and enhanced rules to use in future. There are 21 common mistakes that most of the investors make. By avoiding these common mistakes success in the market can be achieved. If you serious once and expect better investment result avoid the following key mistakes. Persistently holding onto your losses when they are very small and reasonable           All investors are human beings. Emotions will play game. The problem is most of the investors don’t want to exit with small profit and small loss. They wait for large profit and large loss as well. That means, if the stock price falls below your purchased price more than 7 % or 8%. You wait again with a hope that stock price may rise again without accepting that small lose. So learn to accept a simple…
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How put option works in derivative market

How put option works in derivative market

In the option market call option have no existence without put option. Put option enable you to sell the underlying index or stock at a predetermined price in future on or before a particular expiry date. Call option and Put option are opposite to each other. But they have some similar characteristics also. The expiry date and strike price of put option is also predetermined by the stock exchange. Unlike call option a put option helps you to fix the selling price. If you expect a possible decline in the future for an underlying asset then you can fix selling price for your put option. To avoid losses pay a simple premium amount. We use put option under bearish market conditions. American put option and European put option are the two different kinds of put options. American option allows you to settle the trade before expiry of the contract. It is more flexible than European option. For example stock option. Rather than American option European option can only be exercised on the expiry date of the contract. For example index options. Put Index option           To maximize your profit the simple rule that you need to follow is buy at low price and sell at high price. First consider put index option trade. Suppose the current market price of Nifty is 6000 and with the expectation that its price will decline future you decided to purchase it at the strike price of 5900. So your premium amount is 1000. That is 10 for each unit and a total of 100 units thus the total premium amount of 1000. If the Index price rises above the current market price you don’t get any benefit from it. And you lose your premium amount also.  But if Nifty price decreases and it reaches 5800 then…
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Follow a good trading plan to reduce the risk in trading

Follow a good trading plan to reduce the risk in Trading

  As a trader you know the importance of risk and reward. Risk and reward is directly proportional. More risk means more reward. Actually risk is the sum of your work that you did or plan to do for your trade. The risk is determined by the terms of stop loss order. The difference between your entry point and your stop loss order is your risk in trade. Here a common question will arise in the mind of many. How can you calculate your risk and reward ratio? It is simple by placing the stop loss in a logical way in your chart according with your strategy. Keep one thing in your mind. Don’t choose your stop loss and target randomly. If you choose them randomly, it is dam sure that you will be in loss. That’s why the experts or the professional traders take more care in their execution in putting stop loss and targets because it can determine your profit. Then why should you lose your gains due to your careless? So if you need to make profit in your trading you must follow a proper strategy. Which is favorable for you? Only a proper plan can make you in profit. Where should you enter and where should you exit is very important in trading. A good execution can make better income in trading. Your approach towards trading is also important. Here you should have clear idea about where and why you putting the stop loss and targets. But you should make sure that your strategies are moving with the movement of the market. So you should have a proper plan in trading. Here you will find a way to execute your trading plan. Then you will get professionalism in trading. In many cases people have over fear or over…
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Risk and Rewards of FOREX Trading

Risk and Rewards of FOREX Trading

  Trading is a good way for achieving money. But it needs to follow in a correct way. Then only we can achieve the goal. Many people got success in that. We don’t need a job for achieving money but can achieve money through trading. So everyone needs to select it as a passion. Most of them win in that. But someone which had greedy mind lost their money. It is not because of trading only because of their greedy mind. The biggest mistake that beginners make, especially when they win for a period of time is thinking that the market is going to stay in the same character and they can always keep winning with the strategy that is working. In trading most people trade with fear mind so at the time of sell or buy suddenly back our mind & got tendency to stop the trade. It is the large mistake that make in our trading; we should trade with free mind. Here’s a simple rule to remember: When you feel the fear, lower your risk. Don’t think about it, just does it. Do it right then and there. There are some segments in trading such as NSE, MCX, FOREX, COMEX etc. In that MCX & COMEX is for buy & sell commodities like crude oil, copper, gold, silver, lead etc. FOREX is for foreign currencies & NSE is for buy & sells shares of different companies. All segments have risk as well as benefit. We can reduce our risk by giving our full concentration to it. First we can check what is FOREX trading? FOREX stands for foreign exchange Everyone know that foreign currency means you buy cash from another country during your visit , the same method is happen in FOREX trading also, the only difference is that we not…
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Things to avoid for being a successful trader

The things that a Smart trader don’t do on his journey towards profit

Being a trader if you want to reach a point of being profitable adopts good habit and throw off bad ones. Habits are more important. You will become successful when good habits are formed. Many novice traders felt guilty of putting stop loss. This is mainly due to the fact that every trader blindly believes their broker that the broker is watching their trade. But the reality is no broker has the time to watch every trade of a trader. If you are not putting stop loss orders it means now you are running with the risk of having your entire account being worn out or strike a major draw down when the market makes a large move. So first good habit you need to take is put stop loss orders. Next thing is don’t worry about the opinions you will get opinion when you want it. Everyone have their own opinions about everything differently. When you ask about market trend to 10 different people you will get 10 different answers. If you want to be a “smart trader” doesn’t pay attention to opinions but pay attention to facts. The difference is that you will get the picture. Watch how the market respond and accordingly trigger your trade. Here a trader takes 100% responsibility of their own and eliminate the situation of blame anyone else. Continuous updating is a way to success. A good reader can be a good leader. Regular learner can improve their skills. More learning means acquiring more knowledge. You can learn about trading by reading books reading articles finding a mentor studying about great investors and so on. The next good habit you have to learn is focus on the process. Focus on your entry, risk employment and stop loss order. Don’t worry about past. If you loss…
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planning to become professional day trader in forex, mcx, nse with best buy sell signal software

Planning to succeed as a Day Trader in MCX, NSE, FOREX with accurate buy sell signal software

Planning to succeed as a Day Trader in MCX, NSE, FOREX with accurate buy sell signal software Day Traders sometimes presents Day trading as a profitable hobby. Anyone who buys a day trading course via online stating that can make money easily in just a few hours a week, right? Well, no. The fact is that Day trading is a job. It can be a full time job or a part time job, but it requires the same commitment to working regular hours and the same dedication to learning a craft and  honing skills as any other job. The best professional day traders have plans for their business and for their trades. They know in advance how they want to trade and what they expect to do when they face the market. They may, at times, find themselves deviating from their plans, due to luck or circumstance or changing markets, but in those cases, they understand why they’re trying something else. Trading comes in many flavors, and many of those who call themselves day traders are actually doing other things with their money. If you know in advance what you want to do, not only will you be less likely to panic or follow fads, but you will also be in a better position to take advantage of  opportunities in a way that suits your personality, trading skills, and goals. Planning Your Trading Business The day trader is an entrepreneur who has started a small business that trades in stocks, commodities or currency pairs in hopes of making a profit return. You can get your business off to a good start if you have a right plan for what you want to do and how you are going to do it. With a plan, you know what your goals are and what…
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wintrader v7.1 beta version released the 100% accurate technical analysis software

The Best Technical Analysis Software WinTrader V7.1 Beta Version Released for MCX, NSE, FOREX

WinTrader V7.1 (beta) Released, The Perfect Technical Analysis Software for Perfect Buy Sell Signals in Commodity/Stocks/Currency markets. After the release of Wintrader V7.0 on August 2015 we are proud to say that WinTrader is now one of the perfect buy sell signal generating and technical analysis software available in market for Commodity/Stocks/Currency trading using by more than 7500 traders all over the world in different financial market in different countries. And thanks for the supports and feedback given from our precious clients around the world, and we valued all our client’s feedback and we tried to update the same with Wintrader, and finally now V7.1 beta version released by resolving some minor bugs that our valuable clients pointed out by our research and development team and we are happy to say that our all clients will get update with the new 7.1 beta version freely as per our life time free update policy. We tried to contact all our clients through email regarding the new beta version release, if the clients are not received the email kindly contact your concerned sales person they will guide you to out tech department to update the 7.1 beta version free of cost.
WinTrader currently supports the following financial markets and knows as, The Best Technical Analysis Software for Commodity Segment COMEX (USA) MCX (India) NCDEX (India) The Best Technical Analysis Software for Stock Segment NSE Cash (India) NSE Futures (India) perfectly works on NIFTY & BANK NIFTY NSE Options (India) NIFTY and BANK NIFTY Options The Best Technical Analysis Software for Currency Segment FOREX (International Market) MCX SX (India) And we are adding up more International market to WinTrader Buy Sell signal software and trading systems. What Makes  WinTrader V7.1 (Beta), The best Technical Analysis Software gives…
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