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WinTrader Buy Sell Signal Software Category: Technical Analysis Systems

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The involvement of technical analysis in trading

The involvement of Technical Analysis in the world of Trading

  Technical analysis is the fore casting of future financial price actions on the basis of the study of past price movements. It does not give an absolute prediction of the future. Technical analysis use different variety of charts based on the price movements. The technical analysis is applicable to any tradable instrument; the price is influenced by the supply and demand forces. The technical analysis shows the varying price value and the market fluctuations in different time frame. So that we could understand the trend of the market and can follow that to attain a good profit. Technical analysis beauty lies in its effectiveness. Because technical analysis principles are universally accepted, using the same tentative background each of the above analysis steps can be performed. Unlike fundamental analysis technical analysis focuses on short periods may be only few seconds or one month. It is well-matched to those who try to make money by buying and selling securities repeatedly but not suited for long term investors. Technical analysis spot the price headed direction, overlooking individual fluctuations. Technical analysis shows the concept of support and resistant levels.  These are not fixed levels, but they fluctuate. Channel lines can be seen on a chart, among them the bottom line indicate the support level (security floor price), and the top line indicate the resistance level (security ceiling price). You can use support and resistance levels to confirm whether the trend is exist or not and can also be used to identify the trend reversal. By paying attention to volume trades you can identify the validity of trend. When you follow the technical analysis careful about the volume that means how many buy and sell takes place at a particular time.  A series of calculated averages measured over consecutive, equal periods of time is the moving average. So…
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Risk and Rewards of FOREX Trading

Risk and Rewards of FOREX Trading

  Trading is a good way for achieving money. But it needs to follow in a correct way. Then only we can achieve the goal. Many people got success in that. We don’t need a job for achieving money but can achieve money through trading. So everyone needs to select it as a passion. Most of them win in that. But someone which had greedy mind lost their money. It is not because of trading only because of their greedy mind. The biggest mistake that beginners make, especially when they win for a period of time is thinking that the market is going to stay in the same character and they can always keep winning with the strategy that is working. In trading most people trade with fear mind so at the time of sell or buy suddenly back our mind & got tendency to stop the trade. It is the large mistake that make in our trading; we should trade with free mind. Here’s a simple rule to remember: When you feel the fear, lower your risk. Don’t think about it, just does it. Do it right then and there. There are some segments in trading such as NSE, MCX, FOREX, COMEX etc. In that MCX & COMEX is for buy & sell commodities like crude oil, copper, gold, silver, lead etc. FOREX is for foreign currencies & NSE is for buy & sells shares of different companies. All segments have risk as well as benefit. We can reduce our risk by giving our full concentration to it. First we can check what is FOREX trading? FOREX stands for foreign exchange Everyone know that foreign currency means you buy cash from another country during your visit , the same method is happen in FOREX trading also, the only difference is that we not…
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Take trading as a Passion rather than a Hobby

Take trading as a passion rather than a hobby

  Everyone has a passion according to their interests. Most of them have an attitude to suffer and willing to work for the achievement of his passion. Then he never got tired if the net result is bad and become stronger from his each lapse. So change your vision towards trading it will automatically change your style of trading and helps to make good result also. If you consider trading as a hobby it quickly gets expensive. In such cases you will forced to do something in which you have no sufficient knowledge. It can only loss your chance to gaining the proficiency in trading. There by you can’t suffer the hinder result from trading. May be you get more irritated otherwise you become a fearful. Such mad approach leads you to become greedy. It’s quite natural that we give the control of ourselves to the hand of our emotions. If you treat trading as a job it may be discouraging because there is no such thing as a regular paycheck. A consistent profit will stick traders to stay in trading. But we can't say that a 10 hours workout all the week and come out as empty handed at the weekend is consistent. So it is important to approach trading as a passion rather than  a hobby or a job Like any situations that you handle in your daily life trading also cause expenses, losses, taxes, uncertainty and risk, and these factors must be taken into account. The key to developing a successful trading is to make a good plan before you enter into a trade. Before your trade, if you put a tensional approach towards trading it can make vulnerable changes in your life. Exactly you will learn new strategies from your previous moves. Obviously you will make a constant…
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How to balance Stop loss and Target Accurately

How to balance Stop loss and Target Accurately

  In trading it is important to maintain stop loss and target efficiently because each one is important in its part. From word you can understand that it stops your loss. It is very important to have proper target prices and stop losses set before you purchase a share. Stop loss is a buy or sell order which gets triggered automatically, once the stock reaches a particular price. The focus here is to limit the loss on a secured position. Stop-loss is used to minimize the loss of a trader. Assume that you have bought a share at Rs 1000 and you have decided to accept only Rs 50 loss so place a stop loss at Rs 950, so when this price will reach your share will be sold in market. Suppose the price goes more down towards Rs 900 then you do not have to face more loss as your share is already being sold at Rs 950. For a Sell, the limit price must be less than or equal to the trigger price. If for a stop loss order to buy, the trigger price is 930 the limit price is 950 and the market price is 900, then this order will be released into the system once when the market price reaches or exceeds 930. Let’s analyze the another example, Suppose you have bought a share at Rs 10 and you have decided to accept only Rs 2 loss so place a stop loss at Rs 8, so when this price will come your share will be sold in market. Suppose the price goes more down towards Rs 8 then you do not have to face more lose as your share is already being sold at Rs 8. If you are wish to having your trading is in a right peak so you have to put the target price efficiently but all the time it is not…
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Things to avoid for being a successful trader

The things that a Smart trader don’t do on his journey towards profit

Being a trader if you want to reach a point of being profitable adopts good habit and throw off bad ones. Habits are more important. You will become successful when good habits are formed. Many novice traders felt guilty of putting stop loss. This is mainly due to the fact that every trader blindly believes their broker that the broker is watching their trade. But the reality is no broker has the time to watch every trade of a trader. If you are not putting stop loss orders it means now you are running with the risk of having your entire account being worn out or strike a major draw down when the market makes a large move. So first good habit you need to take is put stop loss orders. Next thing is don’t worry about the opinions you will get opinion when you want it. Everyone have their own opinions about everything differently. When you ask about market trend to 10 different people you will get 10 different answers. If you want to be a “smart trader” doesn’t pay attention to opinions but pay attention to facts. The difference is that you will get the picture. Watch how the market respond and accordingly trigger your trade. Here a trader takes 100% responsibility of their own and eliminate the situation of blame anyone else. Continuous updating is a way to success. A good reader can be a good leader. Regular learner can improve their skills. More learning means acquiring more knowledge. You can learn about trading by reading books reading articles finding a mentor studying about great investors and so on. The next good habit you have to learn is focus on the process. Focus on your entry, risk employment and stop loss order. Don’t worry about past. If you loss…
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To become a successful trader in any market

Awareness of the World Economy can Improve your Trading potential

  To become a successful trader in any market, it is very important that you must have a strong knowledge of the world economy. There are many different ways to improve your knowledge in world economy to trade in the current market. There are a lot of books and internet from which you can understand about this. If you are planning to do trading as full time job you must broaden your knowledge. So before you select a trading platform make sure that it has an up to date information, chart and graph to get current notifications of the world economy. So that you can find out the correct entry and exit points in accordance with change of economical status. There are many factors which can affect the world’s economic system. They are political events, natural disasters and war. The economical status of the country does not affect more powerfully to all the markets. It mainly affects the FOREX market. You should have a clear idea about the political situations of the country whose currency is you traded. Sometimes the situations of election or the appointment of new president and all can affects the decreasing value of foreign currencies. Because they take time to come on the way.  Natural disasters are hard to predict. It also affects the value of the currencies. So when you do trade in currency trading you must have a clear idea about how to leverage your investment in uncertain times. During the war there can be economic upside. What I said is that you should be aware of all these things when you trade in the FOREX market. Foreign trade plays an important role in our economy. There are many changes in the world economy, that is interest and exchange rate or new technologies and innovations can…
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How emotions push you to false trading.

How emotions push you to false trading. How it can be controlled?

  To get to grip with emotion is the hardest thing for a person new to trading. Also for a person who think himself to be a mentally strong person. When he started trading all these will change. So first learn how to control your emotions and try to keep them outside. Fear and greed are the two common emotions among the traders. All traders know that some days are not their days. And some other days market is not responding with traders need. And they face loss in those days. And if a trader stays too much in that single down day it will dip him in depression. Instead of reading too much about that day realizes that you are going in a wrong direction and adapt some other techniques. If you find a little bit of depreciation after your day trading. Forget it and if you can’t do that watch a comedy movie or listen some good songs it may get your mind out off the market. And just relax! A trader should act fast. Other thing is that they have to make big decisions within a very short amount of time. And there comes an emotion doubt. All which is new to trade cannot avoid this emotion. Market movement is very fast and we don’t have enough time to wait there. If you have many doubts and long time passed don’t do a trade. To avoid this study how can you make quick decisions by structured analysis. If your mind doesn’t think properly go and take a small cup of tea and get away some minutes. Now how you can control your emotions? It is also in your hand. Do some hard work before trading means find some time to learn about trading. Find good books and watch some…
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trading options for traders to choose and make profit

Vast areas of trading options for traders to choose and make profit

  Traders have a vast area of trading options to select. Trading can be divided into many categories. They are intraday, short term position or long term position.  All are not doing the same. Some are doing the short term, some are doing the long term and some others are there, they hold for years and get profit. Intraday trading ends up in the same day itself, short term position traders hold the shares for few weeks and the long term position traders can hold the shares for weeks and even for years also. Each trading options have its own advantages and disadvantages. Technologies have also had an influence in trading. Nowadays all are interested to do the online trading and follow the online trading strategies. Here are some of the online trading options and their benefits. First is the day trading. As I told you it ends up in the same day itself. It is the most common trading options which most of the people are doing. Traditionally this was used by the professional traders only. But in the recent years by the development of technologies and the materialization of online CFD trading websites implies even a non professional trader can trade in these types of securities. Several types of day trading are taking place with several traders specializing in particular areas like scalping trading, price action trading, rebate trading, etc. The benefits of day trading are, it can be a fast way to make a huge amount in a very short time. Once again this depends on your investigation and accuracy of your data which you use to decide which securities you want to buy and sell. The next is the position trading. It is a long time strategy in which the traders buy and hold the securities for a…
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Secret of successful trading in Commodity, Currency and Share Markets

In spite of whether people trade in Currency markets (Forex), Shares/Stocks (NSE), Commodities (MCX, NCDEX, COMEX), options, futures for difference, majority loses. Even the elite traders who do win lose on plenty of their trades. There is no such thing as 100 percent accuracy. And here is the self denying truth about active trading: fewer (and possibly many fewer) than 10 percent of active traders are consistently making profit over the long run. This may surprise you given the marketing buildup that surrounds trading. Regardless of the superficial glamour, it's a disappointing truth that very few traders are consistently profitable over the longer term. And this goes for all active traders, regardless of which markets, time frames, or instruments they choose to trade. Very few traders are consistently profitable over the longer term. The only thing differs from the successful trader and losers are successful traders are using professional approach in trading, they are using professional and accurate technical analysis tool for trading. The good news is that the best traders who win in trading do not essential to know any trading secrets. They will have very interesting trade setups and entry, stop, and exit techniques by using professional technical analysis software that helps buy or sell decisions in trading. Principles that are universal to all consistently profitable traders—the few 10 percent of traders who win, these principles are common among the winners. They distinguish the few winners from the majority who lose. The successful trader’s profitability is not reliant upon a single magic indicator. They using the most performing software for their technical analysis and with proper money management they are making profit in long run. If you are serious about becoming a consistently profitable trader, then you will need to learn, understand, embrace, and implement the universal trading techniques that…
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relationship between volume and open interest in trading forex, mcx, nse, comex markets

Relationship between Volume and Open Interest in Trading Stock, Commodity and Currency Markets

Volume and Open Interest Relationship in Trading Commodity, Stock and Currency Market The easiest method to demonstrate the generally acknowledged analysis between volume, open interest, and price action is to construct a table like the one below. Price Volume Open Interest Market Analysis Up Up Up Strong Up Down Down Weak Down Up Up Weak Down Down Down Strong As you can see from the above table, traditional open interest analysis includes four possibilities while in trading financial market like Commodity /Currency / Stock Segments. Prices are going up, and open interest is going up. This means that new money is flowing into the market and there is buying pressure (Do not incorrectly assume there are more buyers than sellers, because there are not. The price rise shows that the buyers are willing to pay higher prices and, of course, the sellers are prepared to cooperate.) This situation is considered bullish. Prices are going up, and open interest is declining. There are comparatively few new buyers, and money is leaving the market. The rally is most likely caused by shorts selling who are giving up and covering their positions, thereby exiting the market. This is often bullish for the short term, because the shorts will normally pay any price to get out, and because they cannot afford to stay in and accept further losses. This action is ultimately bearish. Without new money coming into the market, the rally will fail as soon as the short covering is finished. However, short covering gets to be self-enabling and can last longer than one might suspect. Expert says that the total open interest (meaning the open interest of all contracts combined) always declines five to eight days before the final top. 3      Prices are falling, and open interest is rising. New money is coming into…
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