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Mistakes in Stock Trading

The Most Common mistakes made by Investors in Stock Trading

  Looking into any field you can see two types of people. One is successful people and the other is unsuccessful. Actually, what is the difference between the two? Successful people are willing to do all the things what others are unwilling to do. But in any field anyone can made mistakes. Even in your day to day life you made many mistakes. So no matter, whether you are a small investor, inexperienced beginners or smart professionals. There is chance to made mistakes. And they lose money. You just have to do is “Build up your weaknesses until they become your strong points”. “Concentrate on your strengths, not your weaknesses” This is the logic. Successful traders are risk takers not large risk but less risk. 98% of all investors make mistakes because they don’t spend enough time in live market to learn where they made mistakes in trading stocks. You remain in a belief that you know everything. Stop thinking in this way, and try to learn something new and enhanced rules to use in future. There are 21 common mistakes that most of the investors make. By avoiding these common mistakes success in the market can be achieved. If you serious once and expect better investment result avoid the following key mistakes. Persistently holding onto your losses when they are very small and reasonable           All investors are human beings. Emotions will play game. The problem is most of the investors don’t want to exit with small profit and small loss. They wait for large profit and large loss as well. That means, if the stock price falls below your purchased price more than 7 % or 8%. You wait again with a hope that stock price may rise again without accepting that small lose. So learn to accept a simple…
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How put option works in derivative market

How put option works in derivative market

In the option market call option have no existence without put option. Put option enable you to sell the underlying index or stock at a predetermined price in future on or before a particular expiry date. Call option and Put option are opposite to each other. But they have some similar characteristics also. The expiry date and strike price of put option is also predetermined by the stock exchange. Unlike call option a put option helps you to fix the selling price. If you expect a possible decline in the future for an underlying asset then you can fix selling price for your put option. To avoid losses pay a simple premium amount. We use put option under bearish market conditions. American put option and European put option are the two different kinds of put options. American option allows you to settle the trade before expiry of the contract. It is more flexible than European option. For example stock option. Rather than American option European option can only be exercised on the expiry date of the contract. For example index options. Put Index option           To maximize your profit the simple rule that you need to follow is buy at low price and sell at high price. First consider put index option trade. Suppose the current market price of Nifty is 6000 and with the expectation that its price will decline future you decided to purchase it at the strike price of 5900. So your premium amount is 1000. That is 10 for each unit and a total of 100 units thus the total premium amount of 1000. If the Index price rises above the current market price you don’t get any benefit from it. And you lose your premium amount also.  But if Nifty price decreases and it reaches 5800 then…
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How to balance Stop loss and Target Accurately

How to balance Stop loss and Target Accurately

  In trading it is important to maintain stop loss and target efficiently because each one is important in its part. From word you can understand that it stops your loss. It is very important to have proper target prices and stop losses set before you purchase a share. Stop loss is a buy or sell order which gets triggered automatically, once the stock reaches a particular price. The focus here is to limit the loss on a secured position. Stop-loss is used to minimize the loss of a trader. Assume that you have bought a share at Rs 1000 and you have decided to accept only Rs 50 loss so place a stop loss at Rs 950, so when this price will reach your share will be sold in market. Suppose the price goes more down towards Rs 900 then you do not have to face more loss as your share is already being sold at Rs 950. For a Sell, the limit price must be less than or equal to the trigger price. If for a stop loss order to buy, the trigger price is 930 the limit price is 950 and the market price is 900, then this order will be released into the system once when the market price reaches or exceeds 930. Let’s analyze the another example, Suppose you have bought a share at Rs 10 and you have decided to accept only Rs 2 loss so place a stop loss at Rs 8, so when this price will come your share will be sold in market. Suppose the price goes more down towards Rs 8 then you do not have to face more lose as your share is already being sold at Rs 8. If you are wish to having your trading is in a right peak so you have to put the target price efficiently but all the time it is not…
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Buy sell Signal Software PIP Calculation in FOREX

How to calculate PIP Value in FOREX Currency Trading?

PIP stands for (Price Interest Point). For calculating PIP value of selected currency pair, first need to know in which category your selected currency pair comes.  In FOREX trading there are two currencies included and its called Currency PAIRS.   These currency pair symbols are came from their three letter ISO symbols like USD, JPY, GBP, etc. FX Currency Pair contains two currencies. The first currency called "Base Currency " and second one called "Quote Currency". The value of  currency pair in FOREX Trading means the value of Base Currency in the Quoted Currency. For Example EUR/USD has value 1.11710 means 1 EUR = 1.11710 USD. Following are the three category you must know to calculate the PIP value of your selected currency pair. 1. Direct Rates In the currency pair, the Quote Currency (Second Currency) will be USD called Direct Rates. For example EUR/USD, GBPUSD, AUD/USD, etc. Following are the calculation for Currency Pairs in direct rates category. The formula for calculating PIP value in Direct Rates is, PIP = Lot Size x  Tick Size The standard size of a Lot is 100,000 and Tick Size means smallest possible change in Price. Below shows an example of calculating One PIP value for One Lot of EURUSD currency pair. 1 PIP = 100,000 (Lot Size) x 0.0001 (Tick Size) = 10USD. Example: 1 Lot of EUR/USD Buy @ 1.1175 and Sell @ 1.1180 Calculating Proft/Loss in direct rates is calculated as below, Profit/Loss = Sell Price -  Buy Price 1.1180 (Sell Price) - 1.1175 (Buy Price) = 0.0005  (P/L) = 5 PIPS Profit One PIP in One Lot of EURUSD = 10 USD So the above trading gives 5  PIP x 10 USD = 50USD Profit. 2. Inirect Rates In the currency pair, the Base Currency (First Currency) will be USD called Indirect…
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